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Bombur's parentage is unknown; the only familial connections mentioned are his brother Bofur and his cousin Bifur. Bombur was not of Durin's line although he was descended from dwarves of Moria. His birth year is also unknown. However, from Bilbo Baggins' account from the quest to Erebor it is known that the brothers Fíli and Kíli were the youngest of the 13 'by some fifty years' and that after Thorin had been captured, Balin was 'the eldest left'. Since Fíli was born in T.A. 2859 and Balin was born in 2763, this would put Bombur's birth between 2763 and 2809, and he would have been between 132 and 178 years old during the quest to Erebor. Prior to the quest Bombur probably lived in the Blue Mountains with Thorin after the loss of Thráin The II.

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